
The Quest of the Historical Jesus: A Critical Study of Its Progress from Reimarus to Wrede is unavailable, but you can change that!

A captivating overview and investigation into some of the 19th century’s most intelligent scholars of the historical Jesus, Albert Schweitzer’s methodical and dazzling analysis, originally published in 1901, still serves as a foundation for many contemporary researchers excogitating the life of Jesus. A fervent and contentious issue, Schweitzer pulls no punches as he scrutinizes the many...

WHEN, at some future day, our period of civilisation shall lie, closed and completed, before the eyes of later generations, German theology will stand out as a great, a unique phenomenon in the mental and spiritual life of our time. For nowhere save in the German temperament can there be found in the same perfection the living complex of conditions and factors—of philosophic thought, critical acumen, historical insight, and religious feeling—without
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